‘Ko te whakaariki! Ko te whakaariki!’

Kia kairangi ake nga hua toi ora mō Te Arawa e!

Tukua mai kia piri, tukua mai kia tata

‘Tis a war party, tis a war party!’

To gain optimal health outcomes for Te Arawa!

Come hither, converge to the bosom of our people.



Te Taura Ora o Waiariki is the legislated Iwi-Māori Partnership Board for Rotorua and surrounding areas (Pae Ora Act 2022). One of our roles is to represent local Māori perspectives on:
  • The needs and aspirations of Māori in relation to Hauora Māori outcomes
  • How the health sector is performing in relation to those needs and aspirations
  • The design and delivery of services and public health interventions within our rohe
As an IMPB our primary obligation is to understand the voices of whānau Māori living within our rohe and influence local decision making to increase wellbeing indicators. As we power up Te Taura Ora o Waiariki will assume additional functions as directed by the Minister of Health including:
  • Strategic commissioning
  • Monitoring of hauora outcomes
  • A stronger local decision-making voice

“IMPB’s are the change agents – bringing visions to a reality…”

Minister Shane Reti

Mana whakahaere

Our Board

Ka kī, ka kī, ko ahau pea te weriweritanga o tepō e!
E, ka tū ake te iwi a Houmaitawhiti
Nāna i whakaru ai te rongo i Hawaiki e takoto nei!
A, e ko te taua a Uenuku e paripari mai ana
Ki te whakakokokohua i te pounamu a Ohomairangi e!
Ka tuohu mai rā ki raro i taku pā tūwatawata e tū ake nei!
E kore koa, e taea te hūpeke ki runga i te whenua
Ka tahuri atu, ka tahuri mai
Te wehi o te rā!
I takaia i te anuanu ka mau te mataku e!
Ka takina ki runga, ka takina ki raro
Ki a Ueuenuku, ki a Ueuerangi
Kia homai te tohu nui e
Aha, ka whakatau atu ake rā au
Ko te whakaariki, ko te whakaariki!
Tukua mai kia piri, tukua mai kia tata!
Kia eke mai ki runga ki te paepae-poto-a-Houmaitawhiti!
Ka eke te wīwī, ka eke te wāwā
Ki runga i te parapara tū ai!
Tū ai!  Tū ai, e!


Kai ngā whānau, kai ngā hapū, kai ngā iwi huri noa o te rohe nei

E rere atu ana ngā tai o mihi ki a koutou

Ko tēnei te reo pōhiri o te poari o Te Taura Ora o Waiariki e karanga atu rā

Tēnā koutou, tēnā tātau katoa

Te Taura Ora o Waiariki Iwi Māori Partnership Board greets the many whānau, hapū and iwi that reside within Te Arawa rohe.

Te Taura Ora o Waiariki Iwi Māori Partnership Board has its genesis in the Pae Ora Act 2022 and is the legislated Iwi Māori Partnership Board (IMPB) for Rotorua and surrounding areas.

Importantly however, Te Taura Ora o Waiariki also has whakapapa connections to Te Rōpū Hauora o Te Arawa.  In 2021, Te Tira Haere a Pūhaorangi was set up by Te Rōpū Hauora o Te Arawa, Hauora Māori Providers and other health entities.  The purpose of Te Tira Haere a Pūhaorangi was to establish the Te Arawa Iwi Māori Partnership Board – later renamed Te Taura Ora o Waiariki IMPB.  Te Tira Haere a Pūhaorangi comprise the representative voices of whānau, hapū, iwi, hapori Māori, and ngā mātāwaka within the Te Taura Ora o Waiariki IMPB rohe.

The Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022 recognises the important role of Iwi Māori Partnership Boards and Māori exercising tino rangatiratanga and mana motuhake in planning and decision making for health services at a local level.  Iwi Māori Partnership Boards (IMPBs) are a key feature of the health reforms, with decision making at a local level, and jointly agreed local priorities with Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand.

Iwi Māori Partnership Boards are the primary source of whānau voice in the system and influence regional strategies through Te Whatu Ora Regional Integration Teams and Regional Health and Wellbeing Plans:

  • IMPBs will enable whānau, hapū and iwi to exercise rangatiratanga in their rohe, ensuring whānau voices are heard and local health services meet the needs of our local communities
  • IMPBs will help build a stronger Māori workforce, and support the growth in capability and capacity of Hauora Māori providers
  • IMPBs will monitor the system to ensure whānau have access to quality services that deliver better outcomes for Māori
  • IMPBs are an example of collaborative leadership.

We welcome you to our website and invite you to share your experiences of the health system.

Nau mai, haere mai!

“Tukua mai kia piri, tukua mai kia tata”

is taken from the famous ngeri of Ngāti Ohomairangi and is the chant of
Te Tira Haere a Pūhaorangi and Te Taura Ora o Waiariki IMPB –

“Come hither, converge to the bosom of our people”