National Hui in Tairāwhiti

In February of this year, the IMPBs gathered in Tairāwhiti. We spent day one together as IMPBs discussing the roles we will play in supporting whānau to reach their hauora aspirations. This hui was focussed on how we maintain our individual mana motuhake while collectivising for greater influence and impact across Aotearoa.

Social Return on Investment (SROI)

According to Social Value International, social value is about understanding the importance that people place on changes to their wellbeing and using the insights gained to make better decisions. Social value takes into account both financial and non-financial measures to assess the impacts that a set of activities has on people and community. By accounting for a broader sense of value beyond financial returns alone, entities can make better decisions for people and the planet.

In April of this year our General Manager and Executive Officer attended a 2 day training with Social Value Aotearoa to better understand the principles of social return on investment (SROI) and gain international knowledge of best practices of social value measurement and management.

In our role as Iwi-Māori Partnership Boards (IMPBs) we have legislated responsibilities that include monitoring the health system and then influencing the commissioning cycle locally to ensure service delivery within our rohe is fit for purpose. SROI training supports this function of IMPB’s by giving us a broader lens by which we can view service provision and enables us to calculate the wider social impacts these services and service providers have for our people and our community.

Minister Reti in Christchurch

Minister of Health Dr Shane Reti addressed Iwi-Māori Partnership Boards in March of this year and affirmed he will strengthen the role of IMPBs nationally. His speech spoke of a new dream for Māori Health that included timely access to quality healthcare and acknowledged that wider social determinants play a critical role in the overall health and wellbeing of whānau. 

“I want to paint a vision for Māori and all New Zealanders. My vision is that all New Zealanders will have timely access to quality healthcare. That is the mission statement”

Te Taura Ora o Waiariki travelled to Otautahi for this hui and had the priviledge of speaking with the Minister one on one where we discussed the social issues our rohe faces and how we can support our people by breaking down cross sectoral silos. The Minister acknowledged that 80% of a persons overall wellbeing is determined by socail impacts and only 20% can be attributed to clinical health.  

Do not be daunted. I know that each IMPB will have its own aspirations and plan, and we would like to work with you to facilitate a process where you are resourced to test and develop ways of working, which would then provide good evidence to inform longer-term resourcing. I know there are models that have worked before that we can better support, like the COVID-19 Care in the Community model. 

Click here to read the Minister’s speech in full