Whānau Voice - Issue 1

The Whānau Voice Report compiles insights from whānau, hapū, and iwi within our IMPB area, along with feedback from Hauora Māori service providers. This collaborative effort aims to capture the experiences, views, and health needs of whānau, informing the Te Taura Ora o Waiariki IMPB ‘Hauora Māori Priorities Report’ (HMPR).   Supported by Te Whatu Ora, we also engaged with various mainstream providers to gather this valuable information.

The report therefore presents data from meetings and hui held in 2024, with both mainstream and Hauora Māori providers. Feedback from these gatherings, along with insights from hapū and community events and other hui, was analysed to explore broader health service experiences.

Through thematic analysis, we identified key issues such as access, cost, and cultural barriers. Specific participant quotes enrich the report, highlighting the voices of whānau and guiding intentional actions to improve health services.

To download the PDF, click on the three dots and select “Download PDF File.”

Hauora Māori Priorities Summary Report

Our Hauora Māori Priorities Report is an initial step towards understanding the current state of health services and whānau experiences of health service delivery in our rohe.  Our Board met together in a full day workshop to work through the findings of the analysis and to determine priorities, guided by the voices of whānau captured in the report.  This is work that we will continue to repeat over time as the data from the health system improves, and as we continue to gather specific whānau voice information about the health system.  To drive health system change, our role is to utilise and share our Hauora Māori Priorities Reports to collaborate with Te Whatu Ora | Health NZ to address the priorities for Hauora Māori as we work toward achieving high quality community led culturally responsive health care in Te Taura Ora o Waiariki rohe. Key mechanisms for recognition of our priorities are a) embedding the IMPB priorities in the Regional Health and Wellness Plan for Te Manawa Taki as this drives the regional work programme of leaders and their teams within Te Whatu Ora | Health NZ and b) working together at regular session such as the monthly Regional Integration Team (RIT) hui, which involves senior leaders responsible for key parts of the system, noting IMPB Executives are active participants in these working sessions.

To download the PDF, click on the three dots and select “Download PDF File.”